HDX-MS to study G-protein-coupled receptors

Oct 13, 2023

NovAliX at Medicinal Chemistry Japan 2023

Daisuke Tanaka, PhD, Senior Director Business Development, shared some recent great achievement from the NovAliX Structural Biology and Biophysics departments on HDX-MS to study G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). A great presentation at Medicinal Chemistry Symposium visited by more than 500 attendees!

First presentation from our NovAliX local team

Following the recent creation of the NovAliX subsidiary in Japan, this was the first scientific presentation made by our local team.

Abstract: In order to extend our capabilities for the characterization of G-protein-coupled receptors and more particularly to capture protein motions/dynamics upon ligand binding and/or upon G-protein complex assembly, we have recently implemented an HDX-MS platform.

In the poster, we detail an extensive optimization of the feasibility stage for HDX-MS on a model GPCR and the mapping of small molecules binding sites.

Present integrative workflow and development strategies of the Mass Spectrometry Unit are also highlighted.

About the Medicinal Chemistry Symposium

Organized by the Division of Medicinal Chemistry of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, the event will be held for the 40th time. It is the largest academic conference in the field of medicinal chemistry, gathering researchers from various fields in industry, academia and government.

The Medicinal Chemistry Symposium aims to further improve drug discovery capabilities in Japan. aiming to dedicated to pharmaceutical companies, drug discovery support and contract manufacturing, Bio-related organizations, medical, laboratory etc. Moreover, BioJapan provides business partnering between industrial companies, academia and gouvernement. A partnering system automatically sets one-to-one meetings, facilitating business exchanges.

The seminar program invites top researchers and companies to highlight cutting-edge technology and latest innovations and trends.

Contact our expert team newly based in Japan to set meetings on-site from November 13 to 15: Contact us to set a meeting or catch up!

Interested in getting more information on our drug discovery services? Visit our dedicated page.


From Oct 13, 2023
to Oct 15, 2023


Nagoya, Japan


Daisuke Tanaka, PhD
Senior Director Business Development

Alain Decayeux
Business Development Director

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