- NovA-Frag:
This library of about 1000 fragments combines the shape diversity (enriched in Fsp3) of the Natural Fragment Library1, complemented by the coverage of lead-like diversity space of fragments derived from approved drugs (Prestwick Drug-Fragment Library).
- External Libraries:
We can also screen the customer’s own library or commercial libraries, including libraries with compounds that bind covalently, on our biophysical platforms.
NMR based NovAliX fragment screening workflow for hit generation:
- Screening by NMR: Target production | Multiple NMR readouts : Saturation transfer difference (STD) , water LOGSY, relaxation, 1D direct | Screening carried out using 800 MHz magnet
- Biophysical validation: Orthogonal validation by native ESI-MS or SPR | Structure determination by X-ray crystallography| Thermodynamics parameters measurement by isothermal calorimetry and surface plasmon resonance (ITC/SPR)
- Hit expansion: Chemical design and synthesis | Scaffold hopping | Calculation of drug-likeness
- Hits qualification: Determination of affinity and activity
Similar processes are in place at NovAliX using MS technology instead of NMR as the primary screening technique.